The awesome Beth Revis is having an awesome contest. Check out all the details here but just know that the grand prize is 19 awesome signed book!
To enter, you have to write a blog post about a book you're thankful for.
I'm thankful for Anne of Green Gables.
Anne of Green Gables was the first book I reread and reread and reread. I can't tell you how many times I've read that book over the years. It's the book that increased both my love of reading and my love of writing.
Anne is the best heroine a girl can have growing up. She gets into trouble but learns from her mistakes, she's smart and loyal and true. She would do anything for a friend.
What book are you thankful for?
The Secret Garden.I loved it as a kid and just listened to the audio book while I was recuperating from eye surgery. Love it still! But I love Anne of Green Gables, as well. Now, I'm going to have to reread that one. <3
Oh, The Secret Garden is a great book! I just might have to reread it now.
When I was little I had Anne of Green Gables on cassette tape and I listened to it over and over! Hmmm... I am thankful for Enid Blyton's Famous Five as those where the first books that I remember reading. And I've loved reading ever since!
Great choice! Anne of green gables and laura ingalls wilder books can definitely take credit for my love of reading and writing as well!
I can't believe, and am embarrassed to say, I've never read this book. I need to change that, asap!
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