Everyone, allow me to introduce Dina Rae.
Dina Rae is a new author here to stay.
As a former teacher, she brings an academic element to her work. Her two novels, Halo of the Damned and The
Last Degree, weave research and suspense throughout the plots. Her short story, Be Paranoid Be Prepared, is
a prequel of sorts to The Last Degree, focusing on the James Martin
character. Dina also freelances for
various entertainment blogs.
lives with her husband, two daughters, and two dogs outside of Chicago . She is a Christian, an avid tennis player,
movie buff, and self-proclaimed expert on several conspiracy theories. When she is not writing, she is reading
novels from her favorite authors Dan Brown, Anne Rice, Stephen King, Brad Thor,
George R.R. Martin, and Preston & Childs.
And now, onto the interview! What inspired you to write The Last Degree?
I was a teacher and
then got laid off. I used my extra time
to pursue my dreams of writing a novel.
That's great. Whenever you can turn a negative into a positive, that's always a good thing. Do you have a specific writing style?
So far, I like to
write in 3rd person, lmtd. POV with verbs in the past tense. I also like to have 3-5 subplots that
eventually merge towards the end.
How did you come up with the title?
The Last Degree in the
Scottish Freemasonry is the 33rd degree.
My novel is about this inner circle along with other secret societies
who plan for New World Order.
Oh, that's interesting! Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to
The book is fiction but based on
mainstream conspiracy theories that have been discussed for decades. I hope readers will be entertained, learn
something new, and somewhat reflect on a possible upcoming Apocalypse.
Nice. Since most authors are also readers, what books have most influenced your life most?
So many books, hard to choose, but Stephen
King’s The Stand and Jerry Jenkins’/Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind Series always
comes to mind.
Oh, good ones. What book are you reading now?
I am reading four books right
now-Angelology in my car on CD, The White Queen on my ipod, Soul Sisters on my
computer, and The 12th Imam on my Nook, all are very enjoyable.
Are there any new authors who have grasped your interest?
read 50 Shades of Gray and was disappointed.
James is a wonderful story teller, but I’m just not interested in that
kind of story. Thought the ending was
perfect-she dumped the weirdo and moved on, but I guess there are two more
books. I loved Justin Cronin’s The
Passage, but was too long.
I haven't read either of those. What are your current projects?
I am writing a sequel to my
other novel, Halo of the Damned. It’s
about a fallen angel who forms his own religion and tries to sever all ties
with Hell.
I love sequels. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your
Everything is challenging-the
manuscript, getting published, promoting the book-it doesn’t end. I find the biz fascinating and am learning
something new each day.
Who is your favorite author and what is it that really
strikes you about their work?
Very tough question-so many, but Dan Brown is one
of my favorites. I love how he weaves
research into the story and how he gets me to go onto Google and check some of
his plot lines.
I actually haven't read anything by him yet either. I have so many books to read! How long does it take you to write a book?
Three to six
Wow! What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I like
to write each chapter longhand, then again longhand in a different journal, and
then type it into the computer. Four
handwritten pages will magically turn into 8 typed by the third draft.
Now that's impressive! Time for some fun questions. What paranormal
creature would you be and why?
I would love to be witch and fly on a broom.
LOL! What makes you laugh?
Myself, my family, and almost anyone
who is really trying to be funny.
Aw. My family makes me laugh all the time too, sometimes even when they aren't trying to be funny! If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for
anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you
Wow! Sounds like an episode of Ancient Aliens-one
of my favorite shows! I would want to be
a judge so that justice would be fair and not in the alien race’s favor.
Oh, good one! If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be?
of Game of Thrones-She’s gorgeous, fierce, immune to fire, and a leader.
Nice. If you had six months with no obligations or financial
constraints, what would you do with the time?
Travel the world.
You'd let me go with you, right? :) If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would
it be, and why?
Jesus Christ and I hope that someday He invites me to eat with
Great choice! If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do
with the money?
Easy Breezy. I would
build myself a dream-bunker in the Rocky Mountains .
Thanks so much for dropping by!
Thanks so much for having me as your guest!

such as the Norway massacre,
meltdown of the European Union, unscrupulous media, animal die-offs, Middle
Eastern unrest, and U.S.
shrinking power make the plot relevant to present day. This book is an ode to
Christians, Birthers, 2012ers, Truthers, preppers, and/or other conspiracy
junkies who enjoy Dan Brown, Jesse Ventura, Brad Meltzer, Alex Jones, Jerry
Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.
Purchase for only $1.99:
The Last Degree will be FREE Sept. 27th – 28th!
Dwight took off his crown, signifying he was no
longer playing King Solomon.
“Sacrifice is expected for ones that you
love. Do you love me?” Dwight
shouted. “Then bow down before me and
offer praise!”
Everyone knelt and laid their head down to the
floor, chanting 'Most Worshipful,
Most Worshipful' several times before Dwight
commanded them to get up.
In a manic energetic state, Dwight vociferated,
“Et vitam impendere vero!” All repeated,
with the three new pledges joining in.
Minutes later, he began to calm down.
“To sacrifice life for truth - that is what we must always do! You must trust me as your Most Worshipful and
sacrifice at my command! Are you
prepared to do this?” All three pledges
Dwight pulled the content baby out of Arthur's
arms and threw it high into the air. As
the baby began to descend, Dwight took his sword and hacked through its neck,
decapitating it before it hit the floor.
Only the three pledges shrieked in horror. He sinisterly smiled as he picked up the head
and body, revealing it was only a doll.
“Don't believe with your eyes, but believe with
your knowledge. We are his chosen and
will soon be exalted.”
The three men looked down at their hands and
tried not to scream. They were covered
in blood.
“Sacrifice, my brothers, sacrifice. I will teach you well. You are all Chiefs of the Tabernacle! Let us go and celebrate!” Dwight gleamed.
Check out The Last Degree Prequel as well—Be
Paranoid Be Prepared!
Thanks so much for having me. Great interview. Dina
Great interview! The book sounds fantastic!
Pulling for Dina! Am an educator myself (at times :), and it saddens me every single time when I hear about a teacher losing their position. (Happening like crazy, btw.) Glad to know she is bouncing back in a big way!
Great interview, ladies. :)
I loved this interview. Very entertaining! Thank you so much for sharing:)
Thanks all of you for your kind and encouraging words. Mean a lot! Dina
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