Saturday, October 8, 2016

A Kitten From Hollystone Hall Needs a New Owner - Giveaway and Excerpt


Holly and Hopeful Hearts

When the Duchess of Haverford sends out invitations to a Yuletide house party and a New Year’s Eve ball at her country estate, Hollystone Hall, those who respond know that Her Grace intends to raise money for her favorite cause and promote whatever marriages she can. Eight assorted heroes and heroines set out with their pocketbooks firmly clutched and hearts in protective custody. Or are they?

An Excerpt from Christmas Kisses (my contribution to Holly and Hopeful Hearts):

“Looking for the Duke of Barnet?” a light-tenored voice asked from behind her in the hallway.

She whirled around, her heart beating fast and strong. “No, actually.”

Weasel Winderfield nodded with a smirk. He was prone to gossip, and Anna felt her cheeks flushing. She had encountered him in London at various functions, and she did not like the man and did her best to avoid him.

“If you must know,” she said, slipping back a step, “I was looking for someone else entirely.”

“Has someone else finally caught your eye?”

She bristled. The last thing she needed was for rumors to fly about concerning her. Many spoke about the duke as it was, and she would hate for Florentina, whom she did not know all that well, to become the source of gossip as well. If word were to leak out about her condition…

“I find it rather peculiar that there was talk of Barnet having a quick marriage to his lady, but that hasn’t happened yet, not to my knowledge.” Weasel puffed out his chest, and immediately the image of a peacock flashed in Anna’s mind. “Is the duke having second thoughts? Is he finally willing to glance in your direction long enough to wish for more than merely two dances with you?”

Anna managed to smile. “You would have to ask the duke that himself, but I can assure you of this—I will not deign to be second in the eyes of the one I…” She broke off.

“In the eyes of the one you…love?” Weasel grinned broadly. “And who is it you love?”

“I must confess…he is not you. If you will excuse me.” Heart hammering, Anna all but dashed away. She ignored the onlookers and the questioning glances from other partygoers and hurried to her guest quarters.

Standing by her door was the one she had sought all along.

Anna smiled widely at him, her heart beating fiercely, and she suspected that was not solely due to her rushed flight to her door. “Lord Pershore. May I have a word with you?”

“A word. No. You may have three.”

Her cheeks warmed. Weasel had the right of it—she had been about to say love, but surely that had only been a slip of the tongue. She didn’t know Lord Pershore well enough to love him.


She glanced up and down the hallway. It was empty, and she grabbed his arm and yanked him inside an empty small sitting room and shut the door.

“Lady Anna, what are you doing?”

“I wish to talk to you about a personal matter, and there are more gossips here than there are… Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“I thought I heard… a meow.” Anna walked around the sofa and kneeled down. Sure enough, she held up a small kitten. “Oh, isn’t she just darling?”

Lord Pershore was staring at her. “Yes,” he murmured.

Anna snuggled the kitten to her and tried to keep her wits about her. What she would have to say to Lord Pershore would not be easy but said it must be.

She might risk losing him, but it would be better, far better, for him to learn the truth now than to hope he would never learn it.

Christmas Kisses Blurb:

Louisa Wycliff, Dowager Countess of Exeter wants only for her darling daughter, Anna, to find a man she can love and marry. Appallingly, Anna has her sights on a scoundrel of a duke who chases after every skirt he sees. Anna truly thinks the dashing duke cares for her, but her mother has her doubts. When Lady Exeter insists on Anna befriending a marquess’s son, a man Anna thinks is far too crude, Anna learns all about the trials her mother went through to find love herself. Only time will tell if Anna can find true love this Christmas season.

A New Home for a kitten:

Rat, Anna's kitten, is looking for a home. Enter here!

The winner will be announced at the Book Launch Party on November 13th. The twins from the other kittens in the novellas are also looking for new homes, so be sure to keep an eye out for them! Good luck!

About the Bluestocking Belles

The Bluestocking Belles, the “BellesInBlue”, are seven very different writers united by a love of history and a history of writing about love. From sweet to steamy, from light-hearted fun to dark tortured tales full of angst, from London ballrooms to country cottages to the sultan’s seraglio, one or more of us will have a tale to suit your tastes and mood. Come visit us at and kick up your bluestockinged heels!

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The Bluestocking Belles proudly support the Malala Fund charity. You can find out more on our website: