
Friday, November 12, 2010

Family Friday

This post is a continuation of last Friday's post, if you missed it the first time around, the link is here.

So son #1 loves this photo so much that now every morning, he goes into my room to hubby's nightstand to look at it. Every morning. And he keeps saying hubby's name for hubby.

But the most adorable part is that he still doesn't recognize himself in the picture. Now, he is much younger in the picture, maybe 4-5 months so he doesn't have a lot of hair.

When I pointed to him in the photo and asked "Who is this?" he looked up at me and said, "Nee." Which is what he calls son #2 because he can't pronounce son #2's name yet. Isn't that the cutest thing ever?


  1. Kids do have the most amazing and sweet reactions sometimes. So innocent.

  2. Yes, my middle monster says that all the time if he sees himself in a picture. He's also taken to shortening his brother's name. Not good. All out war over that.

    BTW-Great blog, thanks for the invite!

  3. Aww, that's really cute. I remember for about three years my younger sister thought my name was Bart because I watched The Simpsons so much :P


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