
Friday, October 3, 2014

BLACK HELLEBORE 0.99 sale and STARRY LOVE pre-order!

Yes, you read that right. Black Hellebore is currently on sale. And Scarlet Magi, the last book in the trilogy, is now available!

As if that's not enough, Starry Love, the companion novel to Masked Love, is now available for pre-order!!!! My first pre-order!


If you could possibly help spread the news about any of these book-related tidbits, I'd be so appreciative!

So, tell me what's new with you. Have any plans for the weekend? Mine is jammed back. My oldest son turns 6 on the 9th. We're having a party for friends (karate themed!) on Saturday and then one for family Saturday night. And Sunday is gonna be just as busy with a surprise for the birthday boy. :)


  1. Congratulations! I'll spread the word on Monday.

  2. That is bucket loads of awesomesauce, Nicole. Congrats on the pre-order. I'm sure it will be great.

    And a pre-Happy Birthday to the growing boy!!


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