
Friday, September 20, 2013

Alex J Cavanaugh - Author of CassaStorm - Talks about who Influences him

Comment on Alex’s blog this week for a chance to win a Cassa mug, mousepad, magnet, and swag!

Who has influenced you the most with both writing and blogging?

Terry Brooks, Robert E. Heinlein, and Timothy Zhan were all influences. So was the team of Preston and Child – their pacing is perfect.

As far as blogging – wow! That would be a huge list. Every person we meet contributes in some way to our future. I’ll give you a few bloggers, though. Arlee Bird (Lee) set the example with blogfests and involvement, and my blog wouldn’t be where it is now without the A to Z Challenge. Elizabeth Craig was the perfect example of professionalism, consistency, and balance. L. Diane Wolfe showed me how to build my platform and strive for longevity. Old Kitty showed me how to keep my attitude positive. Jeremy Hawkins showed me how to give. And DL Hammons showed me how one idea could spark something big – and that giving up wasn’t an option!

By Alex J Cavanaugh

From the Amazon Best Selling Series!

A storm gathers across the galaxy…

Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.

After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.

Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could return. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…

"Cavanaugh makes world building on the galactic scale look easy. The stakes affect the entire known universe and yet Cavanaugh makes it intensely personal for our hero. The final installment of this series will break your heart and put it back together."
- Charity Bradford, science fantasy author of The Magic Wakes
“With a talent for worldbuilding and a compelling cast of characters, Alex J. Cavanaugh combines high powered space battles and the challenges of family dynamics to provide readers a space opera with heart.” 
- Elizabeth S. Craig, author of the Southern Quilting and Myrtle Clover mysteries
“…the racial conflicts propelled much of the plot in this story, driving home a message that's relevant to our own world and giving the book an interesting texture.” 
- C. Lee. McKenzie, author of Alligators Overhead

$16.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 268 pages, Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.
Science fiction/adventure and science fiction/space opera
Print ISBN 9781939844002 eBook ISBN 9781939844019
$4.99 EBook available in all formats

Find CassaStorm:
Amazon -

Alex J. Cavanaugh -


  1. Very cool! Hey Alex, I was just discussing "Stranger in a Strange Land" with a friend!

    Hi Nicole!

  2. Thank you, Nicole! All of you have helped me along in the blogging world.

  3. I was so excited when I saw this blog post title. Wow, Alex J. Cavenaugh is a famous dude now! I met him on a blog hop! He commented on my blog! The reflected glory is totally blinding me.

    Seriously it was very interesting to here your influences which are way classier than mine which include James Blish's Star Trek novelizations which I began reading obsessively in 3rd grade.

  4. Interesting to get to know Alex's blogging influences. All the bloggers he mentioned are great people.

  5. So cool! I love watching our fellow bloggers/writer friends journey--seeing how far we've all come.
    Congrats again to Alex!

  6. Excellent question you chose to ask Alex

  7. Terry Brooks was a big influence on me too. He helped to get me hooked on Fantasy and I fell in love with it.

    Congrats to Alex!


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