
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Question of the Week - Survival

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This week's questions is brought to you by the Hunger Games. Just how far are you willing to go to survive?

I don't think I could kill someone else to survive. I like to think that I would volunteer to take my sisters pace if their names had been called although I probably would have been the first one killed.


  1. Like you I couldn't kill to survive. Great issue.


  2. I don't know if I could kill to survive or not- I guess it would depend on what I was defending and what foe I was facing.

    Killer Zombie? Yeah, I'd probably kill it. Live human? Depends on what would happen if I didn't.

    I would definitely volunteer to take the place of a sibling or child as Katniss did.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can anyone really know until faced with that decision?

  5. I always think about this question when people bring up eating other people to survive. Not sure I could do that! Even if they had died from natural consequences.

  6. If it came down to my life versus another person's, I would most likely choose my life. I like to think I'm a survivor, but I do hope to be craftier to get rid of the competition than have to kill-kill a person.

  7. I don't think I could kill to survive.

  8. I'm going to sound so cold, but like Katniss, I would kill to survive. Not because of a lack of respect for human life, but when faced with someone willing to take my life, I choose my life over theirs. Nothing personal, strictly survival.

  9. I don't think I could do that either...But one never knows till they are faced with the situation..


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