
Friday, March 4, 2011

New Job!

I am now a junior editor at MuseItUp Publishing!

I'm very excited about this although it is definitely going to test my time management skills so that I can still get done everything I want to as far as my own writing is concerned.


  1. Congrats! I'm dealing with time management issues of my own as a junior editor. What I've done is tell myself if I edit 25/50 pages (depending on book's length) a day then I can work on my own stuff. I also don't edit on the weekends :-)

    Good luck!

  2. Congratulations! Ironically, I just signed with them over the weekend!

  3. That sounds like a really good plan, Sandra! I just might have to implement that myself. :)

  4. Congratulations, Nicole! Weren't they smart to scoop you up?! :-)
    I know you'll do just great. When I find a key to the TM issue I'll let you know for sure! Good luck, Nicole!

  5. We're very glad to have you at Muse!

  6. Thanks, everyone! I'm so excited to be an editor. :)

  7. Congratulations, Nicole! Use your powers wisely ;)
    - Sophia.

  8. Congratulations Nicole,

    That's fantastic news!

  9. Congratulations! I'm with Sandra on this. I take the length of the assignment, divide it by how many days I want to take to do it, then try to do that many pages a day that I have to do. Typically it is between 20-50 pages a day, although I prefer the lower end. It gets easier the more you do.

  10. Congratulations! I've sent emails back and forth with Lea after the Muse It Up online conference last year. It sounds like a great publishing house and I'm keeping it on my list of future possibilities.

  11. Charity, I can vouch for the fact that Lea is wonderful - probably one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. I got my contract with her in an unorthodox way: At her most recent online conference, the publisher I (and a bunch of others) was supposed to pitch to never showed up, so Lea stepped in and took our pitches instead and she was so cool about the process - she held our nervous hands throughout. So I was very excited when she wanted to see more and then offered me a contract.

    Also, if you have questions, she is right there to answer them for you.

  12. Congratulations!

    Achieving balance isn't easy, but a paycheck is nice.

    Happy weekend!

  13. Wow Nicole; thats awesome news. Congratulations.


  14. That's fantastic, Nicole! Congrats!

  15. Yaaaay, congrats--how fun, Nicole! And I just read your 5-page excerpt over at ACP, and enjoyed it. Nice chase scene especially. Wow, lots of thorough critique going on over there. Makes me eye my own stuff with my eyebrows raised high in big question marks...


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